"Lights Out Trefonen" is a local community group initially formed in 2014 to deliver an event to mark the 100th anniversary of the start of World War One. The group was responsible for raising money to have a new memorial cross designed and erected on the pit mound in Trefonen in honour of the thirty one locals who lost their lives during and after the conflict.
Throughout the World War One Centenary "Lights Out Trefonen" delivered a series of events including, drama, film, exhibitions, talks and re-enactments. The group has also, with the support of the local P3 group created a series of four footpath trails that will hopefully act as a lasting legacy and fitting commemoration to the sacrifices of our forbears. The trails take you past the houses where those who went to war lived, with a descriptive blue plaque either on the house or close by. Chris Woods co-ordinator of the group also organised the Wilfred Owen Festival in Oswestry in 2018 and was instrumental in getting the Wilfred Owen Statue in Cae Glas Park, Oswestry commissioned.
British Prisoner of War 1918
We have also provided a database on this website with information relating to those who went to war and were killed from local area and the impact the First World War had on our small community.
If you are interested in any of the information or require any help with research into a family members role in WW1 you can contact-
Chris Woods Ferndale Cottage, Trefonen, Oswestry, Shropshire. SY10 9DZ Tel 01691 654378 or Email -[email protected]